Learn how to add education organisations to your Contacts module.
N.B. If you're looking for information on how to add a Business Organisation go and read the Adding Business Organisations article.
When looking to add an Education organisation, the first thing to understand is how an Education organisation in the Education Data Module differs from an Education organisation in your Organisations Module. To help with that you should head on over and read the What Are Organisations? article.
- How Campus is Super-Helpful
- The Invisible Thread
- How to Add Schools
1. How Campus is Super-Helpful
Whenever you try to add a school to your Organisation module, Campus will always attempt to offer you one from the Education Data module so you can add it quickly and easily and not have to type in all the relevant details like address, phone number and school type etc. Very often that's done with just the click of a button which saves you a bunch of time and gives you the peace of mind that the data you're adding to your Organisations list is accurate and up-to-date.
You should always, where possible, accept Campus's help with the data when you're adding Schools. This is because when you do, Campus creates an invisible thread between your new School Organisation and the School in the Education Data module. This invisible thread is really important for you to be able to market responsibly and successfully.
2. The Invisible Thread
When you're doing your outreach marketing to the schools in the Education Data Module, Campus will recognise that some of these schools are also in your own Organisations module and allow you the option of removing them from your outreach marketing. This is a very useful feature as you should not, except for in special circumstances, send the same marketing to the schools that have shown a genuine interest in your business or those that are currently your customers (your Organisations) and those schools that have not yet subscribed to you (schools in the Education Data module).
3. How to Add School Organisations
There are four main ways you can add a School Organisation to your Campus account:
- Use an Add to Contacts button
- Add an Organisation on the fly whilst adding a Quote or a Sale
- Import your Organisations
- Through the Create Organisation page
a. Use an Add to Contacts button
When you add a teacher from the Education Data to your Contacts, their Organisation (school) is automatically added as well.
When you view a school's page, you can add a teacher from that school to your Contacts by clicking the Add to Contacts button next to their details.
This will add the teacher to your Contacts, and their school to your Organisations.
b. Import your Organisations
Importing your organisations gets it's very own help article here.
c. Through the Create Organisation Page
Under some very rare circumstances you might find that the school you want to add as an Organisation doesn't exist in Campus's database of schools. If this is the case you can head on over to the Create Organisation page which is here: Contacts > Organisations. Click the Create Organisation button and fill in the details in the form that slides in from the right-hand side.
i) Specify that your Organisation is a School (not a business).
i) Manually add the name of the Education organisation address, telephone number and the school email address.
N.B. Adding a brand new Education organisation, rather than converting one from the Education Data module should be your last resort. (Always check you're spelling it correctly when adding it). If you do decide to manually add a brand new Eduction organisation Campus won't be able to create a invisible thread meaning you could end up sending outreach and inbound marketing to the same Education organisation.
A Real-World Example
Let's say for example you add a new School Organisation: 'Bath-House Primary School'
which actually already exists in the Education Data module, it's correct name being: 'Bath House Primary Academy School'.
Next let's say you send a 10% discount inbound marketing email to all the contacts at your Organisations. Bath House Primary Academy School will receive that. Then let's say the next week you send a 20% discount outreach marketing email to all schools in Somerset… whilst also ensuring that your current Organisations don't receive this offer – you can see the problem that arises – Bath House Primary Academy will receive both pieces of marketing because there is no way for Campus to recognise that your Bath House is actually Bath-House – there was no invisible thread between the two created when you added it manually.