Lead Generation Forms

Learn the different ways you can utilise your Campus lead generation forms

Creating Lead Generation Forms should be a very important part of your marketing. The general way of thinking about a form is that it is one of the key vehicles that helps you convert potential contacts into real contacts. Forms also help you build up a rich and detailed picture of your contacts.

Ways in which you can use forms to grow your Contacts list:

  1. Send an Outreach Email to Educators and direct the recipients towards a landing page on your website where they fill out the form and become a contact.
  2. Direct your Pay Per Click traffic towards your lead generation form where they fill out the form to become a contact.
  3. Send a Postal Marketing Campaign and direct the recipients towards the form on your website where they fill out the form to become a contact.
  4. Send an Inbound Marketing Email to your current contacts and encourage them to fill out other forms that you have created to build up a more detailed picture of their needs and pain-points and move them through the sales funnel.