Why is the Sent-to Number Different From the Number on my Original Quote/Proposal?
It is detailed in the original quote/proposal a target audience size that your campaign can reach. This document also explains that this number may fluctuate up/down at the point of sending due to the nature of our database evolving daily.
We make on average 600,000 updates to the data every month, with these updates reflected in our database in real-time. This means that counts are accurate at the point of quoting, but will change over time as our team of Data Managers open and close staff records within the database as part of their ongoing data cleansing processes.
Why Does My Report Not Show My Bounce Stats?
Back in 2018, Sprint Education transformed the way emails to schools were broadcast to enhance clients' email deliverability. Our emailing platform (when launching your campaigns) will now run an automated load-balancing algorithm that determines what quantity of emails should be delivered through our various emailing servers. The sharing of the load when emailing larger quantities of emails results in a higher deliverability rate so that your emails reach more staff inboxes.
The drawback is that bounced emails can now not be fed back into our reporting module so cannot be displayed in a report. The actual returned emails however, are still fed into multiple inboxes managed by our Data Managers, who then have the task to jump on a bounce, and then check, fix, and verify it, so it’s correct for the next send.
Why Can’t I See Unsubscribes?
You do not see unsubscribes because, under GDPR, Sprint Education is the sender of the email and the Data Controller. Therefore, the unsubscribe request is actually for us to manage, which we do with an automated unsubscribe system. We ensure that when we send emails for you in the future, the unsubscribes generated from your campaigns are removed.