Payment Types

Learn about the different payment types

In this article

Setting Up Payment Types

When your customers pay for your services you can record those payments in Campus. In order to record the payment accurately you'll want to specify how your customer paid.

Go to your Settings module (by clicking on the Settings item in the dropdown menu underneath the user picture top right of your screen). Then select the Sales item in the submenu and then the Payment Types item in the dropdown. You'll then be at the Payment Types Settings page.


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Campus's Built In Payment Types

Campus comes with five built-in payment types:

  • BACS
  • Cash
  • Cheque
  • Card
  • Credit Note

Adding, Editing, and Deleting Payment Types

If you want to add a Payment Type simply click on the Create Payment Type button and that will fire the Add a Payment Type slide-in form which you can fill in and save.



To edit a Payment Type Hover over the payment type in the data grid. This will show and Edit button which fires the edit slide-in form where you can make the necessary changes and then save.

To delete a Payment Type click on the Delete button when you hover over the Payment Type in the data grid. You'll be asked to confirm the delete and you're done. N.B. You are not able to delete the built-in payment types.

What is a Default Payment Type?

You can classify any of your Payment Type as 'default'. This will simply mean that this particular type is your preference and the one you most commonly use. So, when you go to receive a payment over on the Add a Payment page, your Default Payment Type will be automatically selected saving you a bit of time.