Viewing Form Submissions

Learn how to view your form submissions in Campus

When a recipient fills out a Campus form that you've embedded on your website you can now see their submission on the Form Submissions page.

Click on the Marketing module in the main menu and then the Submissions item in the dropdown. You'll then be fired over to the Form Submissions page.


Screenshot 2024-07-19 at 14.15.25


Here you can see the form, the contact, the organisation, and the submission date. If you now click on the form's name a window will slide in and show you the information that the contact submitted.


Viewing Form Submissions by Contact

When you view a contact, by clicking on their name in the Contacts data grid, you can scroll down and see the last form they submitted, as well as when.



Now click on the relevant View button and a window will slide in that shows you all the forms that the contact has submitted.



If you click on the form's name then you'll be able to view the submission information too.