Campaign Email Bounces

Learn about email bounces

As with any email marketing campaign you will inevitably have some email addresses that will bounce. If one of your Contact's email address hard bounces a number of times, Campus will suppress it, which you can read more about here.

You can build list of Contacts that have had a bounced email or that have been suppressed by following the steps below. This will leave you with a Contact list that you can work through and tidy your database.

Bounced Contacts

To create a list of Contacts whose email address has bounced when receiving some of your marketing, you firstly need to head over to your Contacts (Contacts > Contacts) page. From here, click Filters.

From the Contact Filters search for Bounced Email, then choosing Is Any Of and then your marketing email(s):



Close the Filters side bar and then Save your list by clicking the + Save List button.

Suppressed Emails

To build a list of your Contacts whose email addresses have been suppressed due to multiple bounces, follow the process above but choose Suppressed as your list filter, followed by Is Equal To > Yes:



Close the sidebar and then save the list.